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Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab’s principles:

4 min readNov 1, 2024


Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab is one of the best personalities in Islam. As the second caliph of the Muslims, his style of leadership and the pattern of governance set a stage for the fast expansion of the state of Islam and drew millions of human beings to themselves. A discourse on these important principles which govern his personality while leading and governing is dealt in this paper.

Justice and Fairness:

One of the most significant dos that Umar never compromised was not to waive justice. To him, the basic premise of governance or social order was justice, and the famous saying “The best ruler is the one who is just” does reflect this belief. He made courts and appointed judges as well. At the moment of decision on cases, they have to remain neutral at all costs irrespective of whatsoever status the complainant might be holding and whatever may the status of the respondent at that time. He hardly missed attending sessions in his pursuit of justice. For instance, “If I find a dog starving along a road, I have to answer to Allah.” Translation by Yahiya Siraj ad-Din End

He enunciated the principle of Shura as when he consulted other people for and along with himself and his friends as he reached conclusions that involved various affairs. He could not do them alone only because those were the first steps which would have entrenching the cornerstone of leadership. Besides those were to instill, not only good steps into the heart of fellow but, rather would leave among them…



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